
Lizzy 9th October 2020

My first memory of you Uncle Colin is actually one of my first memories ever! I cannot have been more than 3 or 4 years old. I was at a party at Clensham lane (which I remember so many wonderful parties, endless games, a great spread and lots of excitement.) On this occasion you got me to help cut the cake, unfortunately for both of us, my finger went under the knife too!!! Blood everywhere and us both equally as horrified, my finger came out pouring blood everywhere. You got a tea towel to wrap it up in and told me to keep it up high. All while you sent someone next door to look for a plaster! We both laughed though! You scared me a little when I was young, always on that edge of being super fun and also taking it a bit to far and being a little scary 😊. Thank you more recently for sharing tales of you and Dad with me. Also for telling me my Dads secret about the rusty nails changing the colour of hydrangeas!! I knew he loved them, but only you have shared with me the special trick!! Its been an honour, and I am now feeling inspired to have a go at painting too! Wish me luck! Wishing you endless peace and happiness of your journey. I hope you and Dad get up to as many naughty things as you did here! Lots of Love Lizzy xxx
